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Sabbaticals, Streams, and Dipping Into New Waters

During the summers growing up, my family decided to float faded, black inner tubes through spring snow run-off. Sure, purple mountain majesty rose in the background, and bright green grass and flowers speckled the valley, but this water’s temperature was barely above glacier status. It was cold.

Every other bend, dad would shout “Here come the butt busters!” as we tried to make ourselves lighter to avoid getting caught on the shallow rocks. Because once you were stuck, the water would build up behind you, completely soaking your back, until the force of the water pushed you further. Not that it completely mattered — most likely dad, or a sibling following in his footsteps, would push you into the deep fishing holes at some point anyway. Yeah….sometimes I was that sibling.

This fall I sent my littlest to kindergarten and am taking a one year break from teaching to write. A purposeful pause to continue following dreams, answer some questions, and create more time for the family. Years of ideas and opportunities have built up against my back, and in a force like nature, pushed me forward.

Not without shock. When friends returned to school this fall, there was a pang of sadness. Spending almost two decades in a profession creates a certain cadence in one’s life. Not only would I miss seeing great colleagues, but I’d miss out on all those students I'd never get the chance to know. The world paints teens so often in shades of grey: but be encouraged, they are awesome and vibrant and most want to influence the world in the best ways. I learn from them each year. Youth are simply asking the same questions we all are — about purpose, belonging, goals, and identity. They’re often more honest about it. While there may be some expertise and experience lacking, there is also a great hopefulness and strength.

The last 4-5 years I’ve #Grit&Googled my way through writing. Up at 4 am, doing the best I can, followed by exercise when possible and a full day of teaching and family. I’m proud of that season and my work. I went for it. With my students, I always encourage them to test it out — try those ideas and get them on paper to see what happens next.

I’m in "the next", now, and I have an amazing opportunity to be coached in my writing by really good people. A chance to grow with more than willpower and spend time with experts in writing and life and encouragement. The day before my first meeting, a friend asked “So, does it feel like you’re the student headed to the first day of school?” Yes, yes it does. I’m excited and ready, knowing there’s a lot of work to come.

My very first book, Beautiful And…well, I didn’t tell anyone about it. I know, good author strategy. It wasn’t until a push from a friend over a year later when I let a few people know I’d written a story for my daughter. I’m thankful for those people in my life—the ones who are part of the built up water who push us. Make sure you check in and thank yours today.

So, this time, I’m going to be brave out the gate. I’ll be posting some of the learnings, adventures, and surprises along the way. You’re welcome to join! You can subscribe on , follow social media, or reach out for a chat.

I’ll try to let you know where the good fishing holes are and shout out “Here come the butt busters!” if I see any around the bend. If (and when) the tube springs a leak, that might be a great story too. And I’ll try really hard not to push anyone else in… unless, of course, swimming in mountains streams is exactly the kind of adventure you’re looking for. If so, then cheers to the ice water and wherever the stream takes us.

Best of luck to all of you as you journey down life’s river. I pray for moments of pause and quiet in your lives, to be able to listen to the Water's force slowly building behind you. It’s going to be great.

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